CSFTW alum Ginger Blazek featured on the Coppell Gazette.
Article by Jim Kilpatrick.
Home and Garden Television (HGTV) recently featured three Dallas-area kitchen remodels on its popular “Bang For Your Buck” series.
Top honors went to Coppell residents Ginger and Rick Blazek for a sound investment in creating a Tuscan-inspired kitchen.
“The idea for the kitchen was drawn from our travels in Tuscany,” Rick said. “The colors and feeling of the countryside were incorporated in the design.”
The Blazek’s tried to get on the show in 2008 but were disqualified as their project was too expensive. They were called in 2009 and asked if they were still interested.
“We said yes,” Rick said.
The kitchen, located in Coppell’s Waterside Estates neighborhood, was praised by HGTV host Vern Yip as “the perfect marriage of function and aesthetics.” Yip and his co-host, local real estate expert Robyn Freese, estimated the Blazek’s received an 80 percent return on their remodeling investment, exceeding the national average return of 70 percent.
The design and execution of the remodel by Kitchen Design Concepts was projected to add approximately $72,000 to the value of their home.
“We were thrilled to be selected for the show, and the guys who shot it were so much fun,” Ginger said. “Meeting Vern Yip was a bonus, and he was very kind and interested in what we did to our kitchen.”
The nerves didn’t hit the Blazek’s until just before going on TV.
“As the time for the show drew nearer we got a little nervous about seeing ourselves on TV, but they were so good to us,” Ginger said. “Our kitchen is beautiful, and the photographer really did it justice. I would do it again in a heartbeat.”
Read the full article here.